Friday, October 17, 2008

soccer mom

The striker (wearing the red shirt) is past th...Image via WikipediaGrowing up, it never dawned on me that I'd become a soccer mom. But here I am, and it's a lot of fun. The whole program is run by volunteers, all parents of the players, and I volunteer for their board of directors. What's so great about youth sports programs is that they just keep going, no matter what.

The economy is going to pieces, the upcoming presidential election has taken over the news every night. But on Saturdays, the kids get together to play soccer and the parents coach and cheer them on, and nothing interrupts this wonderful town tradition that goes on in cities and towns all across the United States every weekend in the fall and spring.

There is something very peaceful and reassuring about a program that goes on and on despite everything that is going on around us all of the time. It gives the kids a sense of consistency, which is so good for them, and it gives the parents a nice distraction from all that is going on in the world.

Since the focus of this blog is gratitude, I just wanted to write about how grateful I am for our town's youth soccer program.
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My kids say the funniest things...

Small child runs on Morro StrandImage by mikebaird via FlickrThe other day my daughter was playing with her Aunt, who happens to be a petite person.

When her Aunt went into the next room, she asked, "Where did that little girl go?" I guess she thought her aunt was a playmate, like another kid or something. It was really cute.

I feel so grateful for these kinds of moments. Children say the cutest, funniest things. My son, who is a bit older than my daughter, says equally adorable things.

I try to treasure these moments and savor each one because I know the time will come when they will be fewer and further between.

I know the teen years will bring their share of challenges, but at the same time, I think there will be joys then, too. At least that is what I am hoping.

In the meantime, I will keep treasuring these little moments of joy.
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gratitude for parenthood

Gratitude album coverImage via WikipediaI feel it is so important to count my blessings. My kids are healthy, kind and doing well. We live in a crazy world and the banking world and world of high finance have been going crazy. But if we can build a strong family life and a household full of love, we can go a long way toward combatting all of the difficulties in the world.

In this blog I will be talking about family life, gratitude, and how appreciate can go a long way toward creating enjoyable lives for ourselves and our family members.

Thanks for reading!

Grateful Mom
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