Sunday, November 22, 2009

Earning Passive Income through Online Writing

These days I am especially grateful for all I have been learning about passive income. Here are some ways I have been earning passive income online (a bit more with each passing month):

My eHow articles, Xomblurbs and Infobarrel articles, as well as backlinks from SheToldMe.

My HubPage articles. Here is my Hubs Profile and some of my Hubs that are specifically about writing online as a way to earn passive income:

My Hubs

Home Business Ideas for Beginners

Outsourcing Perks and Drawbacks

Generating Content Quickly

Online Writing Tips

Make Money with Backlinks

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I am grateful for Steve Blevins, a funny blogger

A doctor who writes for Open Salon.

He is insanely funny and off the wall.

Read his blog posts if you want to laugh out loud really, really hard.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Grateful for a fun new year

New Year's Eve was a lot of silly fun. I feel fortunate to have good friends and neighbors to celebrate with.

I also love the idea of a fresh start. I was ready to say goodbye to 2008 and welcome in 2009. I think it is going to be a very good year in many ways.

I hope everyone's new year was great!