Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Big Day of Gratitude!

Gold...Image by TonyƧ via FlickrHi All,

It is here! The actual day that celebrates everything this blog is about: Thanksgiving.

I give thanks for: my wonderful family. This includes not only my husband and kids, but also my parents, my brother, and all of my other wonderful relatives. I am so very lucky to have all of you in my life.

I give thanks for my good health and for the good health of those I love.

Now it's time to enjoy a good meal together.

Thank you!

Grateful Mom
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Day Before Thanksgiving

Tree in the waterImage by alex lichtenberger via FlickrToday is special because I'm already gearing up to be crazy/ultra/mega-thankful tomorrow, the biggest gratitude day of the whole year.

It's comforting to think about all I have to be grateful for. I wish you and yours an amazing Thanksgiving Day.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thankful every day for health and happiness

evenings comes over oostendeImage by sophiea via FlickrWhen it comes to parenting, I am grateful for the smallest things, because I am only too aware of how good I have it. My children are healthy and happy. There really is nothing more important than that.


I can remember talking to an old childhood friend. She had just recently lost a dear friend of hers to cancer. And she said something along the lines of: "Our health is all that really matters."

I would only add that our happiness matters, too. After that, everything else is gravy, bonus point.

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